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Becoming a Candidate


First, review the Requirements to determine eligibility; these will vary for each position.


Within 10 days of the candidate filing for office, or receiving or spending the first dollar on the campaign, (whichever event occurs first) the candidate must establish a Candidate Committee. A Candidate should contact their county's Board of Elections office immediately for information on how to establish their committee to avoid any penalties. Committee's are provided with a Campaign Finance Guide before each election cycle explaining how and when to complete reporting forms.​


During a designated filing period, candidates will file a Notice of Candidacy for the office in which they would like to be elected. Candidates are not required to appear in person to file a notice of candidacy. The form will need to be notarized but can be mailed to the Board of Elections office during the filing period. The form must be received by noon on the day that filing ends and cannot be submitted any earlier than noon on the day it begins.


Our office provides all documents necessary when starting a committee or filing for office. These documents are often updated before each election cycle begins.​ If you are interested in running as an unaffiliated candidate in a partisan office, please contact the board of elections for more information. 


Committee Organization Forms

person in suit and tie
Flag pole infront of government building

Candidates & Elected Officials


Filed campaign reports are public record and are available for viewing.



Candidates may change their committee's status at the beginning of each election cycle.



Candidates and elected officials of the General Assembly, Clerk of Superior Court, District Attorney, Judges, & Council of State should visit the NC Ethics Commission website for statements of economic interest filing forms and information.

Committee Treasurers


Candidates serve as the treasurer of their campaign committee unless they designate a different individual as the treasurer on the Statement of Organization form.


Treasurers are required to complete a training session within three months of appointment and once every four years. Treasurer training is a mandatory course that provides instruction on campaign finance disclosure filing and compliance.


The training is conducted in group sessions at the State Board of Elections and at regional locations at various times during the year. Training is also available online. Visit for details.


All treasurers MUST complete treasurer training , regardless of the amount of money that is being raised or spent. Treasurers for candidates that are eligible to file the Certification of Threshold must also complete the required training.

Calculator and piggy bank

For a complete list of reporting forms visit the NCSBE  Campaign Finance Reporting Forms page. 

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