N.C.G.S. §163-166.4 states, “No person or group of persons shall hinder access, harass others, distribute campaign literature, place political advertising, solicit votes, or otherwise engage in election-related activity in the voting place or in a buffer zone...” The buffer zone will be 50 feet from the entrance to the polling place except where deemed by the Stanly County Board of Elections to be closer, but no less than 25 feet from the entrance to the polling place. Review the notices below for the buffer zone distance and designated campaigning area for each location.
Sign Restrictions
Sign Placement (GS 136-32(d))
The permittee must obtain the permission of any property owner of a residence, business, or religious institution fronting the right‐of‐way where a sign would be erected. Signs must be placed in accordance with the following:
(1) No sign shall be permitted in the right‐of‐way of a fully controlled access highway.
(2) No sign shall be closer than three feet from the edge of the pavement of the road.
(3) No sign shall obscure motorist visibility at an intersection.
(4) No sign shall be higher than 42 inches above the edge of the pavement of the road.
(5) No sign shall be larger than 864 square inches.
(6) No sign shall obscure or replace another sign.
Signs at Polling Places (GS 163-129(d))
The county board of elections shall ensure that each precinct voting place permits candidates at least 36 hours prior to the opening of the voting place and at least 36 hours after the close of the voting place, as provided in G.S. 163-166.01, to place and retrieve political advertising. Any political advertising placed outside the times specified in this subsection may be removed by the property owner.
Other NC General Statutes Concerning Signs
Political signs allowed on DOT right-of-way (highways) GS 136-32(b)
Political signs not allowed on electric company fixtures GS 14-156
Signs are protected from being damaged or taken down GS 136-32(e)
Size requirement for print advertisements GS 163-278.39(b)
Reporting Sign Violations
Sign Placement on Public Right-of-Ways Within Municipal Limits
Contact the municipal local authorities: Stanly County Directory
Sign Placement on Public Right-of-Ways Outside Municipal Limits
Contact the NC Department of Transportation: 919-715-7000 or 1-877-368-4968
NCDOT has an online portal to report issues: Online Portal
Political Sign Content and Campaign Finance Violations
Submit a Campaign Finance Complaint Form
Contact the NC State Board of Elections: 919-814-0700
Criminal Damage or Removal of Signs